Unleash Your Potential Now


Join our new "Second Act Boss" Skool community!  Master no-code AI tools, Canva, and digital marketing skills to jumpstart your next career move after 50.



Laura's guidance has enabled me to launch a passion project I've wanted to try for years but didn't know how to begin.  Her educational videos has taught me new AI skills I didn't think possible.



I never thought I could learn modern digital skills at my age, but Laura's easy-to-follow tutorials on AI and web design made it so achievable.




Future-proof Your Career

At The Second Act Boss, we specialize in equipping GenXers with cutting-edge, no-code AI-powered digital marketing skills to foster a career pivot to gain financial independence.

Harness your Wisdom Today

Convert experience into opportunity.

Ignite your Passion Online

Craft your career roadmap.

Achieve Independence Tomorrow

Secure your financial future.

Why Join Our Skool Community?

Still believing the outdated myth that career reinvention after 50 is unrealistic?  Think again.  As digital natives, we GenXers have the grit and experience needed to drive the next tech revolution.

​Join The Second Act Boss Skool community to unlock:

Custom Career Roadmaps

​AI Courses


Our Mission

Our mission is to equip you with the future-proof AI skills to thrive in a digital-first economy.

No-Code Skills

Build digital products easily.

AI Marketing Mastery

Market like a pro.

Continuous Growth

Never stop improving.

Your most impactful work is still ahead.  Seize the reins today!  Kick-start your Second Act